“L’être humain est fait pour s’adapter”, 2021

by Claudia Goulet-Blais and Jean-Claude Blais

L’être humain est fait pour s’adapter (human beings are made to adapt) is a body of work that was made in 2020-2021 before the passing of my father from his battle against cancer. 

We began this collaborative photography project not long after he was diagnosed with cancer which correlated with the beginning of the pandemic. The project was a way to cope with the situation and an attempt to understand how I was feeling. I provided him with a 35 mm camera to create a distanced communication during a time where seeing each other was rather difficult.

I spent most of my childhood living with my mother and even though we did have a nice relationship we both felt as though this situation had urged us to become closer and communicate more. Through shared stories and archives, the experience of creating this project has been a tool for connecting, accepting, and fostering a relationship.